10th October some more preperationFront wall completely gone along with gate and old water tank. In the middle ground left hand side you can see the topp of the well which we are going to use for when the council supply fails. It will get plumbed into the watertank along with a pump. We saw a great square water tank, looks like brick at HomePro, made by DOS. Sadly only 900 litres whereas we could do with one that is 1200.changnoi
Builders Start to Make Camp, I get Message I'm A Grandad & Trouble with the reliesSo today 28th September I got a text from my son telling us that baby had arrived 1 week early !!! Little Mikayla my new grand-daughter and all before I'm 50. Builders turned up to erect their accomodation, a minor squirmish ensued with a disgruntled relative which mean twe had to race back from the Udon before blood was spilt. All was resolved as was the minor attempt at trying to dupe the farang over costs and all was well in the world again.
Unloading the materials.First stach of materials arrive 10th October, now we have something to work with. But I think a bit of digging is going to happen first to get those holeschangnoi
Resulting Pile of IronThis being a town house and not much space on our land our iron has been piled on our neighbours property, hope it doesn't get nicked.changnoi
Blocks, Cement, and MixerLooks very clean now, what will it look like in a few days time?changnoi